Arushi Khokhar

Undergraduate robotics researcher


Hello! I am Arushi Khokhar, a third year undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Engineering from Jaypee University of Information Technology, India. Currently, I hold concurrent research positions at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Yale University. At IISc, I’m a part of the Intelligent Inclusive Interaction Design Lab advised by Dr Pradipta Biswas. At Yale, I am a part of the Intelligent Autonomy Lab advised by Dr Ian Abraham.

Research Interests

My long term research goal is to develop autonomous systems which are capable of robust real-time decision-making just like the human brain. To achieve this, I’ve been working at the intersection of machine learning (deep learning and reinforcement learning) and robotics. Currently, I’m working on distributed multi-agent path finding using reinforcement learning.

Along with this, the biomechanics of various human activities have always sparked my curiosity. Since my freshmen year, I’ve been learning various aspects of mobility in humans and animals. I’m really interested to work on intelligent rehabilitative and assistive devices using robotics, machine learning and reinforcement learning. Prior to my current research internships, I’ve spent 7 months working with Dr Vineet Vashista at the Human-Centered Lab, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar. During these months, I studied the biomechanics of walking and worked on a controlled, monitored, and digitized alternative to conducting standardized functional gait assessment tests.


Feb 22, 2022 Started working remotely at MARMoT Lab, National University of Singapore as a robotics research intern
Dec 28, 2021 Joined the brilliant team of researchers at I3D Lab, Indian Institute of Science for robotics internship
Aug 16, 2021 I’m now the Vice-Chairperson at ACM JUIT Student Chapter!
May 21, 2021 Joined Human-Centered Robotics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology (Gandhinagar) for gait research